New building projects

The LWB has launched an extensive new building program. Gaps in the city center as well as larger areas in other parts of the city are being built on.

2025: Samuel-Lampel-Straße

Die Vorbereitungen für das Projekt sind in vollem Gang. Soeben wurde die Ausschreibung für Generalunternehmerleistung veröffentlicht. Baustart soll im Herbst 2023 sein. Hochgezogen wird ein Ensemble mit 100 Wohnungen. mehr


At the end of 2022 construction work is to begin on the new LWB building with 65 apartments on the corner of Shakespearestraße and Bernhard-Göring-Straße. more

2025: Robert-Schumann-Straße

Die Nähe zum Clara-Zetkin-Park und zur City machen die Robert-Schumann-Straße zu einer sehr attraktiven Wohnadresse. Grüne Oasen, Spielplätze, Cafés, Parkbühne und Rennbahn Scheibenholz  - alles ist bequem zu Fuß oder mit dem Rad erreichbar. Hier können sich alle Generationen wohl fühlen.  Mehr

Mockauer Straße

This new building will provide plenty of space for elderly-friendly living. Construction is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2023. more


In July, preparatory measures for the new LWB district on Gaußstraße in the Leutzsch district began. By mid-2024, 123 modern apartments will be built here. more

Saalfelder Straße

The new residential complex with 300 apartments consists of 18 houses, which are placed in six blocks around two residential courtyards.  more


With the start of construction for an apartment building and an integrated daycare centre, LWB has begun another new building project. more

Landsberger Straße

New apartments for large and small families are currently being built in the popular city area of Möckern. more


In mid-July 2019, excavation of the building pit in Littstraße began. more

Straße des 18. Oktober

The LWB is building a total of 104 new homes in Strasse des 18. Oktober. more


With the excavation of the building pit, the new building project Bernhard-Göring-Straße 17 started at the beginning of the year. more

Kita Watestraße

The third day care center built by the LWB was handed over to the operator in February 2019. more

Kita Brüderstraße

In the fall of 2018, the LWB handed over the new day care center in Brüderstraße to Diakonie Leipzig, which is responsible for the facility. more

Neubau Quer-/Schützenstraße

The first new apartments in Quer-/Schützenstraße were occupied in 2018. more