LWB staff donate to three social projects

With their 2019 Christmas donation, the employees* and supervisory board members of Leipziger Wohnungs- und Baugesellschaft mbH (LWB) are supporting three social projects in Leipzig. These are the crisis intervention team (KiT), the Tagestreff Leipziger Oase and the children's adventure restaurant in East Leipzig.

The money is to be used at the KiT for the training of ten new volunteers starting next year, including their initial clothing. The Leipzig Oasis would like to reopen a small workshop for structuring the day for visitors and next year design the outside area in front of the facility. The sponsoring association of the children's adventure restaurant, for its part, will use the money to expand its range of services and establish a new programme for children called "Learning to eat while playing".

"We know and appreciate the work of the associations and their many volunteers, also from our work in the residential areas", said Jens Eßbach. He is the team leader of LWB Social Management. Its staff help with rent debts and financial difficulties, provide information on living in old age, support when people wish to move - including due to health restrictions, care and support issues, and help with conflicts between tenants. In addition, they establish contacts with offices, authorities, aid organisations or, for example, specialised advice centres.

"The Christmas donation has been a tradition with us for 15 years," says Eßbach. Well over 20,000 euros were collected during the Advent season. LWB staff always decide on the recipients and the social purpose of the donation. More than 20 associations and initiatives have already benefited from the donation, including Kinderhospiz Bärenherz Leipzig e.V., Restaurant des Herzens, Förderzentrum für Erziehungshilfe, Begegnungsstätte Mühlstraße e.V., Vorleseladen, Haus Leben e.V., Frauen für Frauen e.V., Förderverein der Kinderonkologie-Leipzig, Straßenkinder e.V., Hof Chaoti e.V.

This year, the donations made by employees* and members of the Supervisory Board amounting to more than 1,600 euros were quadrupled by the LWB management and rounded up to 6,600 euros. In return, the LWB refrained from sending Christmas announcements and holiday mail.

19. December 2019